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Indie Author

Hello, Readers!
Thanks for pausing on this page long enough scan the greeting - and the first sentence - of my bio. If you keep reading I promise you'll learn a little bit about my life and a LOT about my work.
Life: I love books. Doi. I read and write a ton, then I publish the stories I deem worthy of sharing - after designing their prints/eBooks/covers.
Once upon a time I taught Performing Arts and Inclusive Education which gave me the experience, skills, and incentive to start my own book business. Outside of the office I paint, hike, cook, bake, hurl expletives into the cold Canadian wind as it whips past my home in the foothills of the Western Rockies, knit, and hug my pug. Sometimes, if the mood is right, I nod at my husband during one of the rare moments we cross paths. Just kidding. We frequently cross paths, and when we do we high five.
Work: Since 2021 I've published two novels, two short story collections, and five flash fictions that are both horrifying and hopeful. I've had a few Craft Articles published by Unleash Lit and some online features shared by various friends in the indie industry.
My public presence is inconsistent. I've had social media accounts. I've appeared at in-person events. I don't blog anymore because my articles keep getting copy-pasted-recredited-shared by dagnabbit writing thieves - *shakes fist at the internet* - but I have started a Substack account. And I'll keep sharing stories.
Over the next few years I'm hoping to release the final two novels in my Canuckia series, as well as a third short story collection. If you like my books, stick around.

Join my mailing list to receive my Author Newsletter. It's free! And fun.
Follow me on Goodreads. I leave one detailed book review a month and drop lots of ratings.
Subscribe to my Substack account. I publish original artwork, opinion articles about literary community discourse - and global events relevant to my work - and bonus content connected with my stories (like post-Bot War vegan recipes and Canuckia quizzes).
Follow @stefbarnfather on Instagram. Do I have an account right now? Nope. Will I have one soon? I'm not sure. Maybe. Depends. Have y'all started being nice to each other? If not . . . social media can eat my shorts, man. And I don't wear shorts. HA!
Buy my books: Here.
Thanks for reading until the end! I hope my bio fulfilled your wildest expectations while leaving you wanting more.

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